今有的35.What is the best title of the text?B.A Journey Through SoundA.The Secret of Curing EpilepsyD.A Passion for Mozart's WorksC. The Power of Classical Music阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Raising a child to become a successful adult is a common goal for many parents. This articleoffers practical parenting techniques to help your child develop skills and confidence to get intoadulthood successfully.OLet them make mistakesmistakes are not the end of the world but a part of the learning process. For example, let youngerchildren try to dress themselves, even if they struggle with buttons.3OInvolve them in household tasks37 Simple tasks like putting toys away canInvolving children in housework is necessary.PianoC(癫be appropriate for little kids. When school-aged, they can take on more complex housework, likepreparing simple meals. The goal is to strengthen the idea that everyone in the family contributes.38at theAllowing children to decide on their own helps build their confidence and critical thinking夺值比skills. Start with small decisions. As they grow older, involve them in more significant decisions.ozart'sIt's essential to provide guidance and discuss potential outcomes. But ultimately, let them make thenamicfinal choice.her artOCreate a safe environment for exploration序列),Creating a child-friendly environment where they can safely experiment and learn is crucial.39lassicalbalanceEncourage them to try new activities and be there to support them as they explore new experiences.Guiding your child towards becoming a successful adult is a journey filled with both challengesgpeaceAlong the way, watch your child transform into a successful and selfand rewards.40sufficient adult.ace yourcalmingA. Encourage decision-makingB. Enjoy the journey and treasure every momentl-being.C. Guide them to explore the world independentlyD. It can teach them responsibility and the value of contributioneatment.of peaceE.For older kids, it could involve setting boundaries for outdoor playF. The problem is how they are more likely to become well-adjusted adultsne worksG.The key is to provide guidance without stepping in to fix every problemntial lies第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。Keiji and Sumiko turned to running a supermarket in a small town after their former businessfailed,Their strategy of 41 customers with low prices and big promotions brought crowds,butnott 42 , as customers turned to bigger supermarkets once the promotions ended.The couple didn't 43 . They remembered their promise to live without regrets. From thenon, there were no days off, only devotion to the supermarket's 44The turning point came when they overheard a customer's45about the difficulty ofpreparing spinach (菠菜). Sumiko started to 46 the unsold greens into ready-to-eat meals.辽宁名校联盟调研卷英语(二)第6页(共8页)